Sunday, February 22, 2009

Colorado Massage Therapy Schools

If you are planning to learn the art of massage, there are several Colorado Massage Therapy Schools that you might want to consider. Many offer programs of study that will allow you to earn a diploma, certificate, or degree in the field. Massage schools teach the foundations of massage therapy first, and then you can choose to study for some specialization in the field. The various massage therapy schools in Colorado have programs in cranial sacral massage, neuromuscular massage, reflexology, sports massage, and even infant massage.

Massage training imparts the art of massage through classroom lectures and discussions to prepare students with academic knowledge of anatomy and physiology, along with plenty of hands-on experience. This helps to develop complete skills for practicing as a massage therapy professional with all the tools for success. Successful graduates may wish to pursue a related area of study, such as chiropractics or acupuncture, for instance.

All massage therapy schools, including Colorado Massage Therapy Schools, have the option to seek accreditation by various organizations. Diplomas and certificates provided by non-accredited schools do not carry the weight of diplomas and certificates from accredited schools, and many employers will not recognize non-accredited degrees. Accreditation is a strong indication that the school of choice will provide the highest level of massage education, so be sure that you choose an accredited massage school.

Beyond accreditation, the state of Colorado does not regulate massage therapy establishments. City and county governments do regulate, however. Contact the governmental bodies that have jurisdiction in the area in which you are interested in working.

To learn more about Colorado Massage Therapy Schools and other Massage Schools and Massage Therapy Schools, we invite you to visit our website for more in-depth information and resources.

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By : Michael Bustamante

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